Latin Study Note

to praise, I praise, I praised, @#$%#$^*

  • to praise:
    laudare, laudo, laudavi, laudatum
  • to consider:
    cogitare, cogito, cogitavi, cogitatum
  • to give:
    dare, dō, dēdī, datum
  • to love:
    amāre, amō, amāvī, amātum
  • to make a mistake:
    errāre, errō, errāvī, errātum
  • to preserve, save, keep, guard:
    servāre, servō, servāvī, servātum

I, you, s/he, we, you, they

to consider/think


  • cogito
  • cogitas
  • cogitat


  • cogitamus
  • cogitatis
  • cogitant

to praise


  • laudo
  • laudas
  • laudat


  • laudamus
  • laudatis
  • laudant

6 kinds of endings that can be added to a noun

  1. Nominative – subject
  2. Genitive – conveys possesion, modifies other nouns
    i.e. "the poetry of the soldier"
  3. Dative – indirect object
  4. Accusative – direct object
  5. Ablative
  6. Vocative

Dictionary form

Nominative, Genitive

1st declension

Nominative   -a
Genitive     -ae
Dative       -ae
Accusative   -am

i.e. sailor(m)

nauta, nautae


nauta – subject
nautae – indirect object
nautam – direct object

Nauta philosophiam laudat:
The sailor praises philosophy.

Nauta fortunam patriae dat:
(뱃사람이 fortune을 country에게 주다)
The sailor gives the country fortune.

The sun rises:
sol insurgit
A dog barks:

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